Sunday, September 27, 2009

Puppy Power Day Thirty-Nine

Yesterday, Seth and I went to Asheville to sell comics on behalf of Heroes Aren't Hard To Find at the Asheville MiniCon. It rained all day which lead to a rather tepid turn-out. I popped my claws and belt-out a feral-scream to the heavens in frustration! Seth just tipped his hat like he always does in these situations. It wasn't a total wash, we did get to walk the streets of downtown Asheville, eat in a kind little Cajun-BBQ restaurant and buy hot chocolate and coffee in a double-decker bus. Groovy!

Click the image, it smells like patchouli.

1 comment:

  1. Not a big fan of patchouli (sp?), but the rest sounds cool.


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